Sailing Instructions
Notice of Race
Documents to provide
- Micro Class Association MembershipEach competitor shall be full member of a National Micro-Cupper Class Association affiliated to IMCCA (Micro Class France for France).
Membership to MCF can be obtained on site for a 50€ fee.
- Licence voileCompetitors living in France shall present during registration the valid and signed FFVoile’s licence with health certificate and a parents’ permission for the minors. Foreign competitors without a French licence shall justify their membership to an ISAF member National Authority.
- ISAF Plate?All Boats should present their ISAF identification plate.
ISAF plates can be bought on site for a 60€ fee.
- How to get a personal ISAF number?This number is optional and free, and will help you to be recorded at ISAF International ranking.
To get it go to ISAF website
- How to get a measurement certificate?For Micro Racer and Micro Cruiser you have to produce a Measurement certificate, you get when purchasing the boat from the builder or Owner Association. If not you should ask this certificate to the Owner Association or to MicroClass France.
A valid International Micro-Cupper measurement certificate shall be presented for each Proto. Boats failing to present this certificate shall pay to MCF an administration fee of 100€ to obtain a temporary certificate.
- Do we need to have sails measurement?All and every sail should be previously measured and certified by a class measurer and will be stamped by a regatta measurer.
Any non-certified set of sails can be certified on site before the competition for an administrative fee of 50€ or 10 € per sail.
- How to get valid insurance?Foreign competitors without a French licence shall justify their membership to an ISAF member National Authority. They shall present a valid insurance certificate (written in French or in English) including liability and property damage insurance, subscribed to a solvent insurance company with a minimum of 1.5 million euros guarantee or subscribe to a liability and property insurance provided by the French Sailing Federation at their inscription. This last certificate will be valid only for the regatta’s duration.
- Security Items– Personal flotation devices
– Luminous device
– Mobile fire fighting equipment (if engine)
– Manuel drainage mechanism
– Towing arrangement
– Mooring line (if lightship weight >250kg)
– Tides Tables
– National flag (outside territorial waters)
Entry Fees
The entry fees are 220 € per boat for complete entry, received by 15th June (postmark making time).
After this date, the fees will be 300 € 300 € per boat.
In case of withdrawal, competitors may be refunded only in the event of cause beyond control, upon organization committee’s decision.
Launching and loading, as well as equipment control are included in the entry.
by banking cheque payable to SRB:
Société des Régates de Brest (SRB), Maison du Nautisme, Port de plaisance du Moulin Blanc, 29200 Brest, FRANCE
or by credit transfer to SRB account through:
Banque Populaire de L’Ouest,
Agence de St Marc, 29200 Brest
RIB : 16707 00113 41021816474 97
IBAN : FR76 16707001 1341 0218 1647 497